MDA Camp is a summer camp for kids with Muscular Dystrophy that is held at the YMCA Camp Seymour near Gig Harbor each year, just one of many around the country.

This year, 2013, there was a light rain falling but the kids still get a thrill out of seeing motorcycles and sidecar rigs, and more important getting to ride in a sidecar. This year the Seattle Cossacks drill team performed, even in the rain. They were great. Most of the photos are of the Cossacks, since when we were giving sidecar rids I was with my sidecar and couldn't take photos during that time.
It is a lot of fun and blessings for both the receiver and the giver. One of the counselors told me one of the first things the kids ask when they arrive is if the motorcycles will be here.
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